Another one arrested

⊆ 9:29 AM by Radius | ˜ 0 jealous craps »

Well........... previously penarik beca who got arrested. The reason, well you might have noticed it but I guess he has his own reason for doing so. After penarik beca, then RPK, Theresa and Tan Hoon Cheng end up being ISAed. So far, only Penarik Beca and Tan Hoon Cheng has been released. Yesterday (18th September), another blogger arrested and he's known as Kickdefella (Sheikh). Thats not gonna be nice at all. Yesterday as well, Abdullah called Anwar as a treat to country's economic and security. Actually it sounds very fishy to me, just preparing for the worst as I heard rumours that Anwar might get picked up in the next few days. Gosh... these people are really power hunger. Calling kettle black where they are the one who's been trying to stay on power even when rakyat already hates them so much.


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