It has been a while

⊆ 11:13 AM by Radius | , . | ˜ 0 jealous craps »

Well, it has been a while since i last write anything over here. Life has been good except some few changes on how my life goes. I dun really feel like writing much so, enjoy the pictures below.


The Going

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Thanks to the guys for all the time and help at Branded3. The pictures above were taken at Kenny Rogers at Tropicana City (?), Damansara during my farewell lunch.


The Coming

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And a new place for me


Moroccan Adventure

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Lunch with my Mom at a Moroccan restaurant. Pictured here are Chicken Tajine and Lamb Couscous. Mama makan dengan penuh semangatnya :D :D

The restaurant is called Tajine Restaurant and can be visited here.


The kittens

The kittens are doing well. There are so much to share about them actually, just that i don’t have much time to write about them. Its hard to snap pictures of them while they are awake as they keep running and jumping around those all pictures came out blurred. So, the easiest pictures would be while they are sleeping :)

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Sleepy garlic trying to hold from sleeping and finally ended up sleeping on a chair :D :D


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Lazy onion taking a free ride on top of mama’s foot


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The sleeping sisterhood


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Favourite spot to sleep after a hectic day of running around.  Garlic, Ginger and Onion are on the pictures above while budak manja Pepper prefer to sleep on my lap instead. :D


Well, there’s a lot more to tell about them though like the 3 stories apartment bought by my mom for them and then hand me over the bills (i have yet to snap the picture of the apartment) and about the diet and toys…. there are tonnes of stories bout them anyway. Anyway, i’ll post it up later…..




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