Deep Shit...

⊆ 7:19 PM by Radius | , . | ˜ 3 jealous craps »

Look like i'm gonna be in a deep shit soon unless I can find Rm 150K within these 2 weeks. Stuck in a deal that at the end of the day, it gonna kill me instead. 1st I need money and secondly I think im gonna die soon. Not because of pain or anything but im having difficulty to breath at the moment. I feel like there's a lump in my throat and i'm having difficulty breathing through it. I think i'm gonna die while sleeping as the lump will grow bigger and will block my air flow. Soon......


3 Responses to Deep Shit...

  1. Anonymous Says:
    isk..sounds chronic dude..nak mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ke?
  2. Anonymous Says:
    Hey there,just hopin things're improving. I'm not really sure what you're facing right now, or if there's anything I can do for you. Maybe we can arrange something sometime. Meanwhile just hangin there, 'ol buddie.

    For someone who has been living THE kinda life you want for almost 30 years (home = Melbourne!), probably this's God's way of sayin slow down and value your health. Shits happen, c'est la vie.

    Take care =)
  3. Radius Says:
    Mouth to mouth??? takper aku dah call Paris Hilton... dia baru naik beca petang tadi dari dari LA.. lambat sebab cari passport tak jumpa. Lagi 4 tahun sampai ler makcik tuh.....

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