Thank you brothers
⊆ 5:55 PM by Radius | Babbling , Life . | ˜ 0 jealous craps »This is for all of my friends especially Ajoy, Mel and Gemuk for taking care of me. I was being a jackass of myself last friday night / saturday morning and end up sleeping in my car parked somewhere in SS2. Was super drunk to the level that I couldnt even move my limbs. Ajoy and Mel decided to come and SEARCH (you heard me right) for me at SS2 by 3 in the morning. After circling around (and getting lost several times), they managed to find me sleeping inside my car with window half open and lots of mosquitos inside my car. They drove me back to their place and put me to bed. Thank you very much brother. You are the one.
Thanks to Gemuk who keep worrying about my health more than me myself. Keep NAGGING (you heard me right as well) me to go and do medical check up and yeah... until I went and do medical check up. You are right, my doctor is not really that happy to hear about the damage that I had done to myself last friday night and all these health problems are from or related to that night.
Thanks guys for all the concern. Love you all
This song for you guys : Nelly Furtado - All Good Things
p/s: Msg me if u need the MP3 or the whole album (Loose)
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