Gemuk (Halim)

⊆ 10:35 AM by Radius | . | ˜ 5 jealous craps »

Today Halim (My personal Chef) posted a link to his online photo album located at Have a check if you have time. Dang... by looking at those pictures.. for sure I miss Brisbane..... what a life we had back there Gemuk.... I miss everything down there.

Kiri and Maggie

Alex, Kiri and Maggie

Gemuk tgh ajar baca doa makan

Aude (Jessica)..........................

Aude and Melissa.... at the beach

Me and Aude at Korean BBQ

Argh....... gemuk!!!

Melissa.. coocking at home in style.... French :p :p

What are you staring at?
Dang.... I do miss Brisbane.... waaaa ndak balik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Responses to Gemuk (Halim)

  1. ab Says:
    SUDAHLAH sentimentel konon
  2. Radius Says:
    ngko jeles pehal... ndak kena tumbuk? aku cabut tayar scooter ngko karang... ops... scooter dah jual bwahahahahahha
  3. Anonymous Says:
    huhhhuuu skuter skuter jgn main tem, aku ngan halim geng skuter..nak kene cabot tayar mr2?opsss..hehehe
  4. Radius Says:
    Ceh.. gaduh bawak geng... woi Man.. ngko bila ndak balik Malaysia?.. apa ndak kawen ngan Kangaroo ker apa ngko nih? Mak ngko tak marah ker kawen ngan Kangaroo?
  5. Anonymous Says:
    tu laa..mak aku ok je..cume si koala ni laa plak jeles aku ngan kangaroo...ha!camner nih?

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