Last minute decision

⊆ 1:25 PM by Radius | , . | ˜ 1 jealous craps »

This is my last minute decision. My mom just asked me money yesterday and just transfered it to her just now. Now, i'm SUPER broke. I know that lots of people cant understand what SUPER broke means as I need to satisfy their needs but let me tell you. This raya, I'll be here in KL. I might be breaking lots of hearts but this is my decision. I HAVE 2 FUCKING more weeks to survive with my money and none of you can make me head back to kampung. No, i don't regret giving my mom money. I'll give her my life if she wants to. No regret. So, just to inform you all... i'll be here in KL this raya.

EDIT: Just spoken with my mom on the phone just now. She just put another 20K into an investment with some Datuk and some of that money were coming from my bank account that she asked yesterday. That 20K is for legal fees to get out 100K from that investment. You know what? My heart just about to stop beating and my body shivers. Seriously. I just feel like wanna faint. With all the problems around me at the moment, seriously you look too small to me right now. I can just scream till you lost your sanity. Seriously, please stay away from me while im in trouble. I might celebrate my Hari Raya with alcohol instead. Shit....

Enjoy Tanita Tikaram - Twist In My Sobriety

All God's children need travelling shoes. I might need mine soon.

One Response to “Last minute decision”

  1. Anonymous Says:
    dunt drink too much n take care of urself...
    salam aidilfitri from me...:)

    -Miss PT

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