Magic bean

⊆ 9:34 PM by Radius | , . | ˜ 1 jealous craps »

My Magic Bean

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

Seriously im bleeding right now,
Deep inside, it hurts,
That super last post is killing,
Thought i've done enough to wash it away,
But instead, it's still haunting,

I might had come at a wrong time,
To ask for a right hand,
I did my best to hold my heart,
To make it cool, to let it solve,
Somehow by the end it just too hurt,

I try to understand what are you facing,
Family, career, relationship, all in one go,
All those things that i had faced,
Keeping it inside and swallow it hard,
And somehow now its bursting bad,

How come last time when I was hurt,
She walked out happily laughing loud,
But you are different, regretting it,
I'm certain you are the one, you are IT.

No, I have nothing against you,
Nothing at all,
You are still the one.

One Response to “Magic bean”

  1. Anonymous Says:
    Sorry that the bean and that had to be in the same post. And sorry for the torture and hurt I caused u.

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