Last week

⊆ 10:46 AM by Radius | , . | ˜ 10 jealous craps »

Photo collection of last week's events. Nothing much to write though


Testing Kebaya for kenduriSorry, have to post this wan. Nyonya tgh marah salesgirl.

Muka serious :D :D I like this picgambar kaki :D :D


I'm fat
But a happy fat guy

Smoking kills
Hate to take posing picture actualy

Rempit in pangkor :D

10 Responses to Last week

  1. Anonymous Says: word...homer simpson! hehee..
  2. Radius Says:
    Homer simpson is 2 words la brader... apa la.... kecoh
  3. babysue Says:
    That is not marah salesgirl, that is marah Timmy yang sibuk ambik gambar orang. Thought it was suspicious that u wanna take the pic there instead of at the kenduri, but rupanya to show the whole kerabat.

    Now that they already know what I'd be wearing cos u gave them a sneak preview, let's go shopping again!

    (think Timmy will get nose bleed)
  4. ab Says:
    hmmmm.... kebaya, fat, pangkor ........
  5. Radius Says:
  6. Radius Says:
    jealous crap :D :D
  7. babysue Says:
    Hey my Timmy is not fat, my colleague said he is handsome some more!

    Jealous crap! Hahahahaa...
  8. nagakeciks Says:

    Makin tombam lak ko timmy..hehehe
  9. Radius Says:
    sorang kata tombam.. sorang kata fat.... kecoh la korang... aku nih hensem gini jerk...... semuanya jealous dengan ke'best'an aku :D :D
  10. babysue Says:
    Haha, who asked u to say u are fat in the 1st place? Mengundang kecoh! Then say he's handsome some more, ish ish.. =D

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