How To Make Burger
⊆ 9:39 PM by Radius | Being Chef . | ˜ 1 jealous craps »Well, after being absent for a long time, Chef Hatim comes again and this time with a very special recipe that every PHSP (Poor Hungry Single Professional) can cook it at home by themselves. Please give a hand to Chef Hatim!!!
Clap!! Clap!! Clap!! Clap!!!
Tuttututtttt Tuttutttttt Tuttutttt (Background music)
Wallauwei... it has been a while since I last post my recipe and tonight we will be cooking burger at home!!
Are you all eager to start cooking now? Ops... first thing first.. get that bloody sink clean!! Oh yeah so that easier for us to look for knives, cutleries and cigarettes later.
Okie.. without wasting more time, here I present the ingredients for our menu tonight.
As we can see here
- 2 burger buns which can be replaced with sandwich bread if you like.
- 2 chicken eggs which can be replaced with telur itik, telur burung, telur lembu, telur kuda or even telor orang.
- Cucumber. Cucumber is a vegie which can always be found at local or international market.
- Patties. As we can see here there are 2 type of patties, the red one is beef and the white one is chicken. If you want other type of patty, feel free to make it yourself. Meat patties can easily be found and supermarket at the frozen foods section
- Worcestershire(terbelit lidah aku menyebut) sauce which can be replaced with whatever sauce you can find in your kitchen. Sauce pan included.
druuuuuudrudrudrudrudrudru (background music: drum roll)
Okie now we heat roughly 2 spoons of oil into a frying pan. Usually people always use margarine for the taste but me and my mom have repented(?) from taking margarine just because of the fat contents in it. So, you'll never find any margarine nor butter inside my kitchen. Once the oil is hot, put the patties in. While waiting for the patties to be cooked, cut the burger buns into 2
Once the patties are half cook, take it out and cut it in half. Half means 50% each part. So, 49% or lower and 51% or higher on either part is not acceptable. Please take a note on that.
After cut into 2, put back those patties inside the hot pan with the inside side facing down. Errr... ignore the overcooked patty on the picture above :D
Once cooked properly, put the patties between the burger buns
Then put some worcestershire in between the patties and then slap a slice (or how many slices as you wish, i cant be bothered) of cheddar cheese on top of the sauce (splat!!!: background music)
Pesanan Penaja. Please watch and then continue with the show
Then close the patties and start arranging cucumber slices on top of it
Then squeeze chilli sauce (or whatever sauce that u feel like) on top of the cucumber and then close the buns
Serve the burgers on a plate. Never use baldi to serve it as the difficulty of eating from it.
Not an actual size. Image above is not meant to be scaled.
As you all might have noticed,
Okie... here the real reason of the occasions above. When the patties just been cooked and before i start frying the eggs, I ran out of cooking gas. That was the reason why no eggs being friend and the buns are not heated. Moral of the story: always wear seatbelt while inside a car and never drink and drive.
That's all for tonight show and I hope that you enjoy reading it. Happy cooking burgers!!!!
- What did i do with the eggs?
- Why didnt i heat the buns so that it taste nicer?
Okie... here the real reason of the occasions above. When the patties just been cooked and before i start frying the eggs, I ran out of cooking gas. That was the reason why no eggs being friend and the buns are not heated. Moral of the story: always wear seatbelt while inside a car and never drink and drive.
That's all for tonight show and I hope that you enjoy reading it. Happy cooking burgers!!!!
March 6, 2008 at 8:51 AM Notice that every recipe has to start with cleaning the sink? ;P At least u managed to cook the burgers. Or else u'll end up with half cooked patties, yucks. Luckily I had better burgers that day with melted cheese and egg, yumm.. U should see the determined look on Timmy's face when he opens his mouth reeaal big to bite the burger =D Full of determination wan. And so big =D