I'm not really sure either that my opinions are really that conservatives or that people around me are really that liberal. Take for example of the recently 2 issues:
Fatwa on Yoga
The link from The Star can be read from
here. We all know that Yoga is derived from Hinduism. You can read bout Yoga
here and
here. So, I agreed when Fatwa were put on Yoga but kinda disturbed when reads about people's opinion regarding the Fatwa (which is against me since I agreed with the Fatwa). First we must know that the Fatwa only applies to Muslim so, if you are non-muslim, it does not apply to you at all. Do whatever you wanna do, you may attend church in the morning for the mass then proceed to the Hindu temple for lunch time for the praying and Sikh temple at night. Do all you care but the Fatwa does not fall on you the same as how alcohol which is banned for Muslim's consumption. If you are not a Muslim, drink and eat whatever you want (err... endangered animals are not allowed but thats different issues). I'll elaborate more about Islam as per my understanding later underneath the second issue.
Fatwa on Tomboyism
Yes, its Tomboyism which you can read more from
here (Source: The Star). For me, its kinda sitting on thin line between human rights and Islam. On the human right side, people are supposed to be allowed to act and wear whatever they want to. No rules in this unlike murdering, which involves another human. So, taking another human's right to live must be punished but restricting someone appearence that is not falls in what we found right in our eyes somehow it's debateable to me. On my perspective (which is not sharing with Islam but my own terminology; im NOT a Muslim scholar so I dun speak as one), human are created with being either male or female to balance the genders. So, take it seriously is what we all should do.
Of what I believe in about Islam
I'm not sure about bout religions but for sure Islam is not for mockery. Islam is not only about who do you pray to, but as well way of life and that is what most people don't understand. It covers from how to look, what to eat, how to behave till how do you speak to your God. How about other religions? Well take for example Christianity, gay bishop has become common nowadays even though had been practised secretly for a very long time (taken from
here but you can get more info about it by googling). So, what is my point? My point is that other religions does not covers the way of life of their worshippers unlike Islam which stated in Quran that homosexual is "haram". Islam on the other hand is very sensitive to these kinda issues, try to imagine a gay Imam? Even tomboyism is already declared as "haram" and I think gay Imam is totally unacceptable. Thats what Islam is about that most people don't understand. Other people modify religion to suit their needs while Muslims need to suit themselve to fit into Islam.
Note: This article is not trying to belittle other religions that I don't belief in nor that this article is a complete thesis of what Islam is. This is Islam in my own perspective.
I dunno, am I taking these seriously / bigger view or people are just not being serious anymore and religion is a trend not a belief?