Observing Sg Klang
⊆ 1:39 PM by Radius | Babbling . | ˜ 5 jealous craps »Well, i actually never pay attention to Sg Klang until recently when my project team room moved to a room with Sg Klang view. I somehow get a bit sentimental with it and kinda its interesting to watch over time. Here are my observations to Sg Klang sof ar from my project room.
As you can see from the pictures above how Sg Klang banks were overflow with rain waters during heavy rains. Lucky that the elevated highway walls are quite high thus preventing the water to go and flood the roads.
When Azman post a post regarding fishing and cat fish (ikan keli), i told him that he doesnt need to fly so far away to catch cat fish where it can be caught from Sg Klang. From the pictures above you can see that people arrive in van and car and then they jump into the water with net on their hand to catch fish in Sg Klang. The water is damn dirty and contaminated anyway. You might catch AIDS by having contact with the water hahahhahahahahahhahahah
Thats all that I can report regarding Sungai Klang hahahahhahaha
March 18, 2009 at 11:21 PM Pictures shot from Vedel IT Services Sdn. Bhd. @ Megan Avenue II? :D
March 19, 2009 at 8:56 AM hahahha jealous!!! How do u know?
March 19, 2009 at 4:12 PM IT people are scary. they find ur blogs, they find where u work and one day they are outside ur doorstep!
March 20, 2009 at 3:15 PM If suddenly Lawrence appears in front of my house uninvited, i will release all of my kittens to chase him away. They all garang wan especially ginger!!!
April 30, 2009 at 2:17 AM weh tem, next time bawak aku ke port sungai kelang ni. menarik gak ni dpt ikan kasik semua anak2 kucing ko makan..amcam? hahah