Things had been disturbing
⊆ 7:14 PM by Radius | Babbling , Life . | ˜ 9 jealous craps »Yeah... things had been disturbing recently. Life is bloody annoying sometimes. I've been overshooting my budget over the roof for 2 months straight. Damn!!!!. 2 months straight. We are not talking about hundreds... we are talking about thousands of ringgit over the budget. These are the people who are currently in my head
My Dad
He's trying to get into my sister's and my life. He's the one who had gone missing for ages and suddenly just try to jump into our life talking about our responsibility into him and his family. He's the one with the kampung mentality that I need to get married soon and he's more than happy to find one(wife) for me. Wish if I can tell him to stuff that into his ass in front of his face. He's the one who have problem telling his children (my step younger brothers and sisters) to read their books to get ready for their exams, but he decided to come and give me a speech about responsibility. He brings problems trailing behind him and he must be mistaken me with somebody from a welfare organization.
My X
Yeah... not that I hate her because she got married. But, as my principle of life, Don't look for trouble, if you have more than you can handle. Now, she's married and almost everyday she calls and telling me how her marriage is going down, how she missed me, how she shouldnt do that in the first place and she should be with me instead. Oh yeah.. i'm sorry.. that guy is a anak datuk. Now stuffs that anak datuk in your life and you get hell right?. Serve you right. I'm feeling sorry about your stupidity. Probably you should do better in school. Too bad its too late. You just need to remember one thing... i'm not anybody from welfare organization and i dont often pick up leftovers. Now live with it.
My family and friends
How grateful I am to have such a wonderful mother, she's a very strong single mother who raised me and my sister to the current level where we are and previously married to an asshole. The further thank you to my mummy Mary who understand almost everything in my life and so open to the level I can discuss with her which girl i like best and because of what *wink* *wink*. She's the closest of someone from outside of my family circle to be called mummy. Ajoy for being the one who stands up for me where ever I am and how stupid i would be and Gemuk for being the coolest guy around (if you gonna reply to this post with "apa yang ngko merepek nih Hatim?" then better dun reply, I got it already).
Spoke to Sue(Sue Ann not Sue Hong) today and she was saying something that i'm currently "soul searching". Im not really sure what did she really means by soul searching. What kind of soul? My own lost soul? a soulmate? Whatever she means, she might be the one who understand it as I just dont want to think more of it and more, I dont really know who's the person behind the name Sue Ann Lee as well. Never met her before. We just converse through Skype and that might be the best way for both of us as well I guess. Merdeka holiday is coming soon, was thinking of heading to Cameroon Highlands and drink some nice fresh cup of tea up there. Might do that, might as well not. We'll see.
Start updating my resume again and this time i'm gonna start sending it to Australia again. Might be back in Brisbane soon. Malaysia is kinda funny.
Enjoy "Hey there Delilah" from Plain white Ts