Long but fast weekend :D
⊆ 1:28 PM by Radius | Life . | ˜ 12 jealous craps »Saturday:
Promised to go pak thor with Princess but Emily was complaining. It was all started on Friday night when I go and meet up the guys of RX8 club Malaysia for TT. The session was at SS14 PJ and roughly 17 cars were there. The session was informative and managed to make lots of new friends and they helped me a lot with Emily. On the way back home around 1:30 I realized something was not right, I was chasing James and Ken on Federal heading to Cheras when suddenly my temperature was a bit higher from where its supposed to be and my throttle response was slower. I was like SHITTTTEEEE.... this is not good at all!!
Then on Saturday morning, SMSed Princess telling her that I most likely wun be meeting her on that day then I head out to Sunway. To the suggested place to check Emily called ST Wangan.
I arrived before they even open it.
By midday, ST Wangan was full with RX8s.
I asked them to give Emily a full check, normal service, transmission oil flushing and engine compression test. While waiting for the work to be done, Hafiz arrived with his blue RX8. He's known as 1 hell of a RX8 driver. He told me that he wanna modify his exhaust so, rather than waiting there at Wangan for my car to be done, he invited me to follow him to the exhaust shop. I followed him to an exhaust shop just behind Wangan and we chatted while waiting to get his exhaust done. After the exhaust is done, then he invited me to join him for a 'test run'. Well, a 'test run' from a guy that is known as a crazy driver in the club is not for a faint hearted. We spent almost 15 minutes doing burnouts, drifting and donuts at Sunway and I tell you, this guy is crazy. He can just stop in the middle of the road, do donuts and all other cars have to stop and once he's done then other cars can use the road. One hell of a crazy guy.
After the 'test run' we head back to Wangan and met few guys there like Effie and Hans. My car was on the final stage where the compression test is being done. I watched patiently while waiting for the compression test to finish. This is the most critical moment in every Rotary owner as the test would tell how hard the car had been driven before. If the test is lower than 6 points then engine rebuilt is needed (which is common for Rotary. Rotary owner rebuild their engine between 70k to 100K mileage). By failing to rebuild the engine, the engine WILL (not might) blown up anytime soon and it will cost a lot more to rebuild it once blown. The cost of rebuilding a 13B on RX8 is around RM 10K to RM 20K depending on damage and parts that need to be changed.
My compression test end up positive. Thank God. Both of my rotors was running between 8.6 to 9.2 which is very good considering the age of the car. Even recon cars that my friends posted on the site is doing under 9 and my car managed to get above 9. Cool!!. Anyway the conclusion of Emily is that, previous owner was not a car enthusiasts thus he/she didnt take care of the car properly but the good thing was that he/she didnt throttle the car thus leaving my Emily's engine in a good shape. I'm happy :D :D
The whole service and test was costing me more than RM1K but due to the club membership (Thanks RX8 club Malaysia!!!!), we are entitled for discount at Wangan and somehow I got lots of discount for being a member of RX8 club Malaysia and a first time customer to Wangan. Cool!!!!. I end up paying almost 700 bucks for the whole lot.
Greddy F3 Rotary Engine Oil. Costly.......... almost 300 bucks per can and then have to be matched with GReddy Oil Filter... urgh.......
Arrived home by early evening..... tired.
Woke up early with just one thing in my mind. AFOS!!!! Met Ken at McDonalds Taman Connaught at 8:20 and from there we head off to USJ R&R at Elite Highway to catch up with the rest of the club members.Meeting up at Caltex USJ R&R on Elite Highway
Me, Ken and Jason (think so :p)
Gossiping whose car is faster before adjourn to Sepang
The petrol station
By 9:30 we all starts moving towards Sepang F1 track
Under heavy rains
Arrived in Sepang F1 track and waiting for our position
The queuing to get in was long............. :(
Were given sticker to attach to our windscreen so that we will be allowed to get in with our cars
Sits nicely above my RX8 club sticker :D :D
We left Sepang about 5PM and head to Taipan USJ for a drink. The drive to USJ was crazy with lots of drags and races happened along the way. After USJ, me and Ken head back home to Cheras. Oh yeah by the way, Ken lives in Alam Damai :D :D
Monday was another busy day for me and my Princess where we end up in Genting together. Was pushing up Emily's limit by climbing Genting and was chasing a Wira and a Nissan during the climbing until their car couldnt go anymore (upon seing those steep climbs) and then my Emily just drive nicely leaving those cars at the back. Hahahhahahhahahah
Hope you had a nice weekend as I was. Drive safely!!